Friday, January 29, 2010


The best part of Paris is the shopping.. I found this PERFECT Schott Jacket at a vintage store today. It's everything I've ever wanted and more...

Thing in Paris have been going well. My computer is having a rough time, though. I haven't been posting much because it's seemed very fragile. If the posts stop all together, don't worry- I'm not dead. We started class this week and I am especially excited for my Impressionism and Post-Impressionism course because half of the classes are taught in different museums throughout Paris. Tomorrow is our big trip to Versailles, so expect a post on that soon. Oh! And how could I forget? My favorite frenchman, Adel, payed a visit to Paris this week! It was so, so good to see him. I'm so sad we can't be in the same country most the time, but it's still great to catch up whenever we can. He and I were certainly cut from the same cloth!

Au Revoir!


  1. Anonymous29/1/10 11:34

    oh my god that photo of you two made my heart explode <333

  2. That leather jacket is rad! Do me a favor and bring me home a new wardrobe, k? thanks!

  3. Anonymous31/1/10 05:29

    I'll see you very very soon!
    Mr Adel
